Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Blat, Blat, Blat, Uranus:Interstellar Rainmaker

For those of you who have been to any of our 3 blow-out parties over the past few months, or one of our many late night, after-hours dance jams, or one of our grills, or just in the general vicinity of Ledroit Park, (our quaint village amidst the hustling, bustling modernity of this, the World's Capital), at any remote hour of the daynight, you know that we love to make it rain. Or, more accurately, we love to shake our shit against brick walls, door knobs, and that rare female ass that happens to hover unprotected within reach of our hips, while blasting R. Kelly's seminal R&B prophecy "Make It Rain".

Many number the ears of those delicate feminine ones who have suffered semi-permanent hearing loss and debilitating aural hemorrhaging after having "BLAT BLAT BLAT BLAT" shouted into their ears. God, that song is so great (hand clap).

Except... well, it always seemed a bit... terrestrial, ya know? A bit grounded? A bit beholden to the confines of this globe. And that's limiting. It really is.

Ahh, but that Nubian Prince of Vocal Veluptiousness, in his own words, "the Martin Luther King" of our generation, he sees beyond the beyond, into the beyond, and gifts us this:

wait for the countdown. and wait for when the once oft quoted Rainmaker rises beyond this Earth's atmosphere and rains down on a galactic level. See?:

And if time allows us/ we’ll be gone for hours
I wont stop until I give you meteor showers

Who'd have thought I'd be the first one to post something about R. Kelly?


“I'm the Ali of today. I'm the Marvin Gaye of today. I'm the Bob Marley of today. I'm the Martin Luther King, or all the other greats that have come before us. And a lot of people are starting to realize that now.” – R. Kelly [NYP]

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