Friday, June 29, 2007

To Our Faithful Readers:

As many of you know, this blog is written in the spirit of jest. Chalk full of insider jokes, some readers may find themselves puzzled or offended by its content. If you are among this group but can't help returning to this space, incessantly, for your daily fix of wit and charm - please refer to 1906's first entry where its mission is clearly stated. Never shall we shy away from taboo topics, tasteless jokes or golden opportunities to clown a loved one. If you are known to the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse and you've done something outlandish in our presence, then I assure you that your egregious act will find its way to the 1906 blogspace. Take solace in the fact that everyone is a target, mainly ourselves, so if you committ a public gaffe - chances are it will be knocked from the headlines within a week. Of course, we will curteously abstain from using anyone's given name so your employer, family and friends can't trouble you over the retarted shit you do. Be well friends and thank you for the wonderful support.


1906dc said...

And always feel free to leave a caustic comment! We love when you hate!

Anonymous said...

Is the spelling of "retarted" intentional so as to solidify your point? Or, are you just...RETARDED?